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Why Is a Healthy Scalp Necessary for a Healthy Head of Hair?

Why Is a Healthy Scalp Necessary for a Healthy Head of Hair?

12 Mar 2022


It all begins with the scalp when it comes to hair wellness. Your hair health may manifest itself in the form of strands, which are, admittedly, the most evident indication of hair wellbeing. However, experts believe that hair health begins with the scalp.

While the majority of us are more concerned with the appearance of our hair, the reality is that hair healthiness is founded on the health and moisture level of our scalp. A dry, flaky, or itchy scalp is incapable of supporting the growth of healthy, vibrant hair - the two always coexist. You should take care of your hair and scalp just as you would the rest of your skin (ask any dermatologist!). If you neglect to include both your scalp and hair in your hair health regimen, you risk developing dandruff, dead skin accumulation at the hair follicles, and other issues that can result in hair loss. Here's what you need to know in order to lavish your scalp with additional TLC.

Scalp Is Just as Vital as Skin

Taking care of your scalp requires just as much work as your daily skincare regimen. That is correct! Consider that your scalp is also skin. Therefore, why would you approach it differently?

Scalp care is equally as critical as skincare, as the scalp is an extension of the face. The scalp is oilier, includes sweat glands, and contains hair follicles, yet it has a poorer barrier than other regions of the body. Furthermore, the scalp ages at a rate six times that of the rest of the body." And, while you do not need to perform a ten-step evening skincare regimen on your head, maintaining a healthy scalp requires more than simply washing your hair.

To avoid dry, itchy scalps, it is necessary to wash the scalp frequently (at least three times a week) and hydrate it with a scalp-compatible moisturizer."

To that end, it is critical to use a shampoo and conditioner that are devoid of parabens, phthalates, and sulfates, which are found in many harsh drugstore shampoos. If you have specific hair difficulties, such as a buildup of dead skin cells, increased oil production, scalp psoriasis, or itching caused by sebum accumulation at the roots, exfoliation is critical.


How A Healthy Scalp Resulted in A Healthy Head of Hair

While healthy hair requires a healthy scalp, the everyday actions we take to maintain our hair's beauty may often wreak havoc on our scalp's health over time, resulting in unpleasant scalp disorders or diseases.

Therefore, how can a healthy scalp contribute to healthy hair? Hair grows from follicles, with each strand beginning in its own follicle on the scalp. Additionally, these follicles create an oil-like substance called sebum, which is necessary for keeping a consistent hair structure. However, in some situations, the scalp's poor state will result in the follicles being blocked by-products, oil, or dead skin.

For instance, many women complete their hair care routine with sprays or style gels, which can accumulate over time and impair the scalp's capacity to develop new healthy hair. Worse yet, if you're using shampoos or other everyday hair care products with harsh chemical compositions, the buildup can interact with dead skin and oil on your scalp, disrupting the PH balance and clogging hair follicles. And blocked follicles will ultimately cease creating hair and will also obstruct healthy hair shedding, which is necessary for fresh hair growth.

The basic message is that a healthy scalp results in better hair – regardless of its texture. Whether you have super fine hair or tightly coiled strands, you should be ensuring the health, hydration, and nourishment of your scalp with each wash. Clear follicles are critical for consistency in texture – and preventing bad hair days!

If you discover that your hair is dull, flat, limp, or out of shape, take some additional time that day to evaluate your scalp. You're likely to notice that your scalp is dehydrated, and you may also detect some flakiness, which is an early warning sign of declining scalp health.


Taking Care of Your Scalp entails Investing in Quality Products

As you become more aware of your scalp's health, you'll develop an ability to spot early warning indications that a product may not be a good fit for you. You'll discover which products have elements that contribute to scalp dryness and flakes, as well as those that promote moisture, reduce breakage, and prevent buildup, all of which are necessary components of naturally stunning hair.


Scalp Care Is a Form of Self-Care

Let's face it: it's all too easy to overlook your scalp. However, treating it like you would your facial skin will pay benefits in the long term, both for your hair and skin. Therefore, here is one more tip: Along with employing targeted hair care products with beneficial ingredients for the scalp and hair, research indicates that scalp massage can really help promote a higher quality of life, improved mental health, and a more positive body image.

Give yourself some self-care by massaging your scalp every day with the pads of your fingers (this can really aid with hair development). Alternatively, utilize a scalp massager made specifically for this purpose, which will not only promote blood flow but will also assist in the absorption of any shampoos, conditioners, serums, or foams you use. A healthy scalp means attractive hair, therefore it's critical that you don't focus only on one while neglecting the other!

Posted by Darren Tan