Monthly Guide By Urbanhair: How should your hair be cared for after rebonding?

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Monthly Guide By Urbanhair: How should your hair be cared for after rebonding?

Monthly Guide By Urbanhair: How should your hair be cared for after rebonding?

Monthly Guide By Urbanhair: How should your hair be cared for after rebonding?

02 Jan 2023

After having your hair rebonded, we have outlined the key criteria for achieving and maintaining lustrous, straight hair.

1) There is no need to wash your hair for 48 hours following the rebonding procedure. Given that there are many components with an alkaline base that would assist balance the pH level in the hair, the chemicals used as a post-rebonding therapy are beneficial for the hair (reduction-oxidation processes).

2) Avoid using a hairband to tie your hair up firmly since the pressure from the hairband can eventually leave impressions on your skin.

3) For people who frequently tuck their hair behind their ears, we also do not advise doing so because the motion will leave a mark on the hair.

4) The initial round of therapy immediately following the rebonding session is crucial because the chemicals used during the procedure might still be causing harm. It is crucial to take action to stop more harm, and this action should be paced at regular intervals. In order to address the damage from the rebonding, we advise using  the Aveda and Mukota Shampoo and Treatment.

5) Blow-dry your hair as soon as you get out of the shower to avoid the likelihood of your natural curls reappearing.

6) After the rebonding procedure, please refrain from using any hot iron curlers or curling iron rods since the heat may bring back the natural curls.

7) To promote healthy hair growth, if at all feasible, use a hairdryer to dry your hair after a shower.

Posted by Darren Tan